













Balance and relaxation.

Whole-body massage

Relaxes and unwinds you and stimulates your circulation

Gentle massage techniques with deep-down effectiveness
50 mins - CHF 120.00

With aromatherapy - a choice of pure, natural oils
50 mins - CHF 130.00

Partial body massage

Targeted loosening of the muscles of your back, neck and legs

Relieves tight muscles, relaxes and boosts your circulation
25 mins - CHF 65.00

With aromatherapy - a choice of pure, naturakl oils
25 mins - CHF 70.00

Sports massage

After sport or exercise or in preparation for your next training session.

25 mins - CHF 70.00 | 50 mins - CHF 130.00


Foot reflex zones massage

Pressure point stimulation; to balance energy flow and support self-healing processes

25 mins - CHF 65.00 | 50 mins - CHF 120.00

Alpine hot stone massage

Alpine hot stone massage

This massage with hot stones boosts your body's natural functions and relaxes your muscles.

50 mins - CHF 130.00 | 75 mins - CHF 170.00

Miru micro pressure

An effective technique that uses your body's own regulatory and functional systems to equalise imbalances. Micro pressure applied with a thin metal rod stimulates your body's own regulatory systems and helps to restore optimal balance and equilibrium, physical relaxation and alignment. A feeling of lightness and freedom returns.

15 mins - CHF 40.00

Miru deep tissue spinal massage

The reflective, manual techniques of Dorn and segment massage are combined with micro pressure to have a loosening yet energising effect on the spine, relaxing the whole organism and stimulating regeneration of intervertebral discs.

60 mins - CHF 140.00 | 75 mins - CHF 170.00

For our younger guests, aged 12 years and under

Children's massage 20 mins - CHF 50.00

Relaxing combi massage

Relaxing combi massage
Soothing whole or partial body massage combined with foot reflex zones massage.
50 mins - CHF 130.00 | 75 mins - CHF 170.00

Miru spinal harmonisation (like Reiki)

A treatment to align the spinal column based on human energy flows. It boosts overall health on the basis of physical principles, provides maximum stimulation to the body's natural regulatory systems and activates energy flows.

Blockages caused by scar tissue may also be reduced by any Miru treatment.

50 mins - CHF 125.00

Lymph combi massage

For revitalising lightness. Back and neck massage combined with facial lymph drainage lead to deep relaxation and decongestion in the face, head and neck area, and can also relieve tension-induced headaches.

50 mins - CHF 120.00