Lenzerheide - Bikerheide

Going with the flow on two wheels

The broad upland valley of Lenzerheide, with its idyllic, park-like scenery and the sparkling Lake Heid, offers perfect conditions for cycling and the “in” sport of mountain biking (MTB). Over the last few years, the region has steadily extended its network of trails and has become a popular bikers’ El Dorado

The Lenzerheide region offers bikers an astonishing range of different experiences, so everyone can get in the flow! The centrepiece is the Lenzerheide Bikepark. Radiating out from it are over 500 kilometres of signposted routes, while GPS data is available for routes covering more than 900 kilometres. They range from leisurely to challenging and you can ride them alone, as a couple or with all the family. And incidentally, they’re also great for e-bikers.

How about starting with a nice easy ride?

In pleasant sunshine and comfortable temperatures, you flow serenely along forest tracks and unsurfaced roads, with gentle climbs and relaxing descents. Every so often, you can stop for a refreshing break to catch your breath, sitting on a bench with amazing views of the surrounding mountains. Your route takes you past a readymade barbecue site – it must be time to stop for a picnic! Then, with fresh strength, you continue up a slight incline back to Lenzerheide. What fun!

If you’re a more energetic pedaller, try a route that starts with a taxing uphill section so that you’ll soon be sweating. On you go, from alp to alp, over hill and dale. And, of course, “alp” does not refer just to the mountains but also to the various alpine huts that provide refreshments for hungry bikers. The ride culminates with a sensational downhill stretch offering outstanding views of the whole valley. Then how about finishing off with a refreshing dip in the Lake Heid?

“Narrow trails, uphill and down, rough and smooth, with some tricky bends.”

That could pretty well sum up an exciting MTB trail. Effortless biking doesn’t just require balance, flexibility and trust in your bike – the technique, moves and tricks all have to be regularly practised and worked on. The Lenzerheide Bikepark is the perfect place for that. The popular playground for beginners and pros alike is located between the Scharmoin middle station and the Rothorn valley station and offers five tempting “lines” (now we’re getting into biking jargon...):

  • The FLOWline (blue) is for beginners or for warming up, and is suitable for newcomers to the sport and families. With its little jumps and smooth curves, it’s the ideal place to practise the basics
  • The PRIMEline (red) is for adrenaline junkies with average to good riding abilities, because it offers speed, flow and “airtime”
  • On the SHOREline (red) you get down to business with “north shores” (obstacles) and bigger drops
  • The STRAIGHTline (black) is “the Beast”, a challenge for any rider!
  • The STYLEline (black) is the one for airtime and style (enhancing your riding with tricks). Jumps of all kinds lie in wait for “whippers” (who go sideways over a jump), no-handers and the like

“Skill Centre” for beginners and pros

The training circuit by the Rothorn valley station is a popular meeting place for anyone who wants to hone their technique and have a go at jumps, drops, north shores, wall rides and banked turns. 

Biking fun for young and old.

For the younger ones, as well as the Flow line and the Skill Centre, there’s also the Kids’ Bike League: at the Lenzerheide Bike School, they are taught in a fun way all about biking and how to move, in classes for three levels of ability. Another highlight is the pump track that opened in the village in August 2019. The asphalted wave circuit gives kids, especially, loads of exercise and fun. By making rhythmic movements as they go over the waves, they generate so much energy that the bike keeps moving without them having to pedal. But it’s not just youngsters who love the new facility, experienced bikers can also work on new sequences there. And the best thing for our guests is that, because the pump track is right in front of the Sunstar hotel, you can watch all the energetic goings-on from our sunshine terrace or your balcony!

A keen biker?

The Sunstar Hotel Lenzerheide has some great services for its biking guests:

  • Lockable bike cellar
  • Small repair workshop
  • Bike washing facility with cleaning equipment
  • Laundry service for bikers’ clothing
  • Drying room for bikers’ clothing
  • Special biking packages
  • 10% discount on e-bike hire at Louis Sport
  • Advice: route planning, biking tours, hire shops